Born in Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil, Jenifer Cabrera has been an acoustic guitarist for twenty-two years and an ukulelist for seven years. She graduated in Musical Theory and Classical Acoustic Guitar at Fundação das Artes (FASCS) in São Paulo.
“It’s an honor to be part of Ohana and it’s a great joy to represent the brand I believe in.” - Jenifer Cabrera
Jenifer is a well-rounded individual, working as a Physical Education teacher and a private music teacher. She’s self-taught in the ukulele and started with an Ohana Soprano SK-35 but later discovered an Ohana Tenor TK-20CE which became her favorite size.
One of the things she loves most in life is making musical arrangements. Her instrument lineup includes electric guitar, guitarlele, and bass ukulele, making musical arrangements come easy to her! She is from the school of High G as that's the tuning that pleases her most. Her favorite musical styles are: Bossa Nova, Choro, Jazz, Blues, Rock, Pop, Gospel, Classical, and Country.
Jenifer uses social media to promote music, share musical arrangements, and connect with the art world. She has numerous projects and collaborations with her music partner, Aline Kelly. Together they form the duo Travessia and for the past two years they have been conducting workshops, writing E-books, arranging, and other musical activities.
She has also collaborated with Ohana on the Ohana Sessions and some exclusive performances.
Check Jenifer out on her Website, Instagram, and YouTube!